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We offer a replacement/money-back warranty guarantee under the following conditions:
In the event of a successful theft attempt resulting in the loss of the catalytic converter up to one years from purchase, the Manufacturer will offer replacement, repair, or refund up to the value of the Catstrap and/or Cateye product.
The customer must take a photo demonstrating that all installation procedures were followed as required by the Manufacturer in the Installation Instructions.
Photos both before and after the theft must be sent to email: info@catstrap.net clearly showing proper installation and the failed product after theft.
Specifically, the photos must show the strap was cut on BOTH sides of the converter. This condition indicates that hard exhaust clamps were properly installed, butted up tight against both sides of the converter (see clamps positioned below).
Warranty does not apply if the strap was simply removed or if the strap is only cut on one side of the converter. This situation indicates that the installation instructions were not followed. Hard exhaust clamps must be installed against both sides of the converter and at the extremities of the strap. The clamps should be tightened to the point they compress into the the pipe.
The Catstrap product line is warrantied to function without defect for three years from the date of purchase. All electronic components (e.g., Cateye product line) are warrantied to function without defect for one year from the date of purchase. Water damage to electronics not covered. The manufacturer may require that the original failed product be returned prior to releasing the replacement product.
Shipping of the returned product will be covered by the manufacturer.
All warranty obligations are restricted to a value not to exceed the original purchase price of the product. Necessary costs associated with installation/re-installation of the product are not covered by the Manufacturer’s warranty.